From The Studio: Patchwork Pillow Project – clothedition

From The Studio: Patchwork Pillow Project

Over the last few months we've been working on a soon-to-launch collection of sustainable and recycled textile project.


From an array of beautiful dead stock twills and tweeds, all in a spectrum of neutral and soft color, we've been working toward building a limited edition line of five new pillow designs. 




Piecing these together was a collaboration and play with color and balance. Not only in the balance of material, but also in the balance of harmony to each other, and to our vision moving forward with projects in these end of life materials.



Each style of patchwork is a limited edition, meant to mix and match and interchange. Between patchwork and applique, colors and patterns, building these designs was a delight. We are thrilled to be in production and soon publishing to our store this collection of luxury fabric recycled, reconsidered and redesigned.